Last week I moderated another Social Media Today webinar as part of their Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of Connecting Your Enterprise: Collaboration at Scale. This webinar was sponsored by Tracx and featured Nolan Carleton (@ParsleyCarleton) Lead Consultant Program Execution at AT&T, DeShelia Spann (@DeSheliaSpann) Digital Marketing Strategist at Eaton and Danielle Gerson (@tracx) solutions engineer at Tracx. We discussed how to setup an environment that cultivates growth and scale in social media.
Here are three of the key takeaways:
- Start Silo Busting – Most enterprises start out in a segmented environment where by multiple departments are roles are isolated from one another and using their own social media point solutions and environments. Getting those silos to come down using one software solution is the first step to greater collaboration and scale in social.
- Engage your Employees – An obvious place to help scale your efforts once a unified social media platform is in place is leveraging your employee advocates to help get the word out.
- Watch out for Disjointed Workflow – Nothing hurts your ability to scale like disjointed workflow such as groups publishing in a vacuum or keeping their own datasets separated from the rest of the organization.
To get a copy of the slides or to listen to the replay, please click here. You can also scan the highlights of this webinar on Twitter by reading the Storify below. Our next webinar is titled Way Beyond Listening: Integrating Listening Into Your Platform for ROI; be sure to sign up for it or view the schedule of other upcoming webinars here.