One of the blogs that I admire most is the Influential Marketing Blog run by Rohit Bhargava. To truly understand the genius of it, you really need to look at the little things Rohit does. For example, check out his social media bio and how his blog titles are optimized for search engines.
He also wrote some great content on an emerging topic called Social Media Optimization (SMO), which I edited for my audience taking my inspiration from his original content.
I asked Rohit to do a podcast with me to better understand SMO and get his views on social media and what PR’s role will be. Enjoy …
Influential Marketing podcast with Rohit
About Rohit
Rohit Bhargava leads the interactive marketing team at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide in Washington, D.C., and is a founding member of the 360 Digital Influence team at Ogilvy. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and is a specialist in combining “traditional” interactive marketing efforts with innovative social media marketing strategy to help clients succeed in the new media landscape. His current list of clients includes Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Lenovo, and Unilever. Prior to joining Ogilvy PR, he was executive producer of the interactive team at Leo Burnett in Sydney, Australia, and he has worked internationally in several countries. He authors the popular Influential Marketing Blog and recently signed a deal to publish his first marketing book with McGraw-Hill.